
Creation of a Dream Temple

This morning I woke up and I was unable to remember any dream that I have had. Since I have been playing with the noetic concepts in the book 'the Field' by Lynne McTaggart my trust in the abilities of the mind has grown.

If our mind would be able to tune into other places and times as is mentioned in the book, why wouldn't we be able to tune into some kind of dream database? In order to make it more tangible I decided to create a Consciousness Temple for Dreams that would allow my mind to simply enter the temple and ask whatever I could think of and get appropriate answers of course.

So, I imagined being in the temple and I asked the 'infinite' field if I could please get some memories of the dreams I had last night. I continued breathing carefully and joyfully and to my excitement I actually received fragments of a dream, and after a while I received other elements of another dream, both stemming from this last night!


Being around Dead People in Dreams

There are various ways to become lucid in a dream. One can see extremely ridiculous things like a parakeet riding a bike, which elicits lucidity easily. In Becoming Insane in a Dream I wrote about becoming lucid after I noticed that the way someone talked looked absurd.

Another phenomenon that often creates lucidity in dreams is the one in which people who are dead occur. My initial tendency in those kind of dreams is that I tell the ones who are dead that they should realize their new status of being dead and that they are no longer supposed to hang around in dreams any more. This often is enough for them not to return again in another dream.

An interesting element occured in a dream I had last night. I was sitting at a table with about 7 people. One of them had recently departed which caused me to become lucid. Next to me sat a man who is quite interested in occultism. I tapped him on the shoulder and made an interesting proposal: I said, what would you say if we decided to become lucid together?

Well, I can't say he really became wildly enthusiastic. In fact not much more happened and I woke up with a small grin on my face.

It would sure be a wonderful thing if I could be lucid together with someone else: to both do the unimaginable.


Couples living in a Brothel

I saw a scene in a modern brothel. There was a long corridor with dozens of rooms. I believe that in many rooms not only women lived, but their partners as well. Perhaps this was a cheap way of living.

Occasionally a rich man would pop up and all the women would be forced to stand in the corridor next to the door opening. The man would walk between the women and he would choose one with whom he would have a sexual encounter in the room at the end of the corridor.

Well, the signal was given that it was time to get out of the rooms and into the corridor. However, in one of the rooms the man was making love to his girlfriend whom he loved dearly. They had to end their bodily contact and she had to stand in the line as well. The rich man who was given the privilege to pick a woman chose this girl.

He could see the man standing right next to her in the room and he politely asked the man if he was fine with the idea that he would pick his girlfriend. The boy knew how important it was and he kindly said, 'no, it's okay' and the man took his girlfriend away from the door.

There was a rather uncomfortable atmosphere as you can imagine and the boy was utterly confused.

Theater with White Screens

Last night I had this dream in which was watching a man who was facing temporary physical disabilities. This was the reason why was unable to deal with as much as normal people could.

In order to allow him to follow a certain play in a theater a compromise was created. The idea was that after a certain period of time the play would be halted and a white screen would appear. This would give this man the opportunity to let the stimuli of the play settle in his mind.

After all the information is stored in a time that was needed by the man, the play would continue and the white screen would vanish, only to reappear again when the man was again reaching his limits of integrating information.


Comment: what I like about this image is the idea that someone might need some time to fully integrate new information. Perhaps this goes for me and perhaps this goes for many others as well. When you want to integrate new information about the limits of consciousness you might do well to take an occasional rest to allow your unconscious to make all the necessarcy connections and links with your known world.


Integrating Parallel Lives?

It sure is interesting to note that when I started with this new episode of writing down my dream explorations, old memories and new thoughts seem to arise in my mind. This journey into the dreamplanes might develop into the construction of a reality-perspective that is resonating at a higher frequency than my current reality-perspective is able to contain.

When I woke up around 5 o'clock in the morning after a dream  it was quite tempting to just turn around and continue sleeping, but I was determined to further develop this project, so I put on the light and started writing again. Even though I had promised myself to only use keywords, I noticed myself starting to write down long sentences as if I enjoyed being elaborate and detailed. This project might turn out to be a true bag-under-the-eyes-inducer. Let's see where this journey will bring me.

Today I remembered the concept of parallel lives (you can read more about this concept at Parallel Lives). In short this concept would imply that we would all live about 24 lives, in which only one would exist in the physical. Then we would live the other 23 lives in other non-physical planes of existence. The further you would progress in your process the more lives you would be able to integrate. There would be various ways to get into contact with these other planes of existences. Let's present ourselves with a nice quote:

It is a great lie that one does not experience all things in a single life, it is only that one cannot remember it all. However all is remembered while one sleeps, and it is during dreamtime that all humans experience their parallel lives. It is also a great truth that all judgment is self-judgment, for what one judges in another one also judges oneself in a like parallel life. (Earth Attains First Major Pole Shift)
I would advise you not to take this source on its word. What I have come to learn is that the concept can be useful as a single element which you might like to consider. Right now I am not inclined to believe that we would all be living so many parallel lives in the non-physical planes of existence. But it could be true. For now I am willing to play with the idea that different aspects of me can sometimes be expressed in my dreams.

I remembered the concept of parallel lives after I had another dream in which I was active in barracks/clinic surroundings functioning in groups. Now, I can tell you a lot about my life, but one of the main themes is that I enjoy having time with myself. I like to have some friends or maybe get married, but the time to spend with  my own world, my own thoughts is very precious to me. I have never been a team-player in my life.

So to see myself in a place where I sleep with all kinds of people, where I study with all kinds of people and even visit a sauna with a group of people is quite remarkable for me, to say the least.

In one of the dreams I even saw a soldier with whom I had served in the army about 20 years ago! He was going down an escalator and when I shouted his name (which I miraculously seemed to remember) he turned around and tried to move upwards while the escalator was moving down. He smiled in a friendly and calm way just like he did when we used to walk to the other side of the barracks in the morning to get breakfast. Most of the time we were the only ones going there because the rest of the group preferred to remain in bed for 30 minutes more.


Dealing with Medical Equipment

I am no doctor although I am doing a course in medical knowledge. Last night I dreamt I was doing some kind of course with three kinds of medical devices that were quite big. There was no one to help me since it was a 'learn-it-yourself'-course. I was the only one doing the course and it was in a rather big hall somewhere in a hospital; an occasional doctor in a white jacket passed by.

Even though it was quite new I enjoyed working with these devices. When I got to the last device I had to admit that this was a rather complicated one: it was the kind of device that opticians use to see what kind of glasses people need. Although I felt slighlty uneasy with it I just continued, mainly because no one seemed to care what I was doing and they had donated depreciated devices for the course.

In another related dream I was working on some kind of frequency machine in a surrounding that was a mix between barracks and psychiatric ward. I was about to give a demonstration but I was hoping that not too many people would show up because I wasn't skilled enough. After a few people who I know quite well were in the room I closed the door to prevent other people from joining us.

A Trail of Cheese

Like I have already said in Reasons for this Blog there are several reasons why I started with this blog. During the ride I have come up with three new reasons: to improve my symbology-skills, to become more aware in general and finally because of the fun of it! As grown-ups we are sometimes inclined to take life a bit too seriously. Playing around with dreams can trigger a new sense of joy. I wouldn't mind if I would have more dreamassociations during the day, I would sure experience that as a welcome enrichment.

Last night I had discovered that one of my colleagues was living in about the same street as I was living. I wanted to check out if it were really true and I decided to make a path with small pieces of cheese on the sidewalk, all the way from my place to the place where he/she would live.

I think I had put some 30 pieces on the pavement when I came at a crossing. There was a woman there with three small kids. They acted a bit like tourists and one of the girls was became interested in my cheese trail. I reassured the mother that I had only just put these 'cubes' of cheese down and they were of a fine quality and she was allowed to pick the pieces from the ground. After the crossing I somehow decided that this cheese project was not really worth pursuing any longer.


Lying Upon a Flying Airplane

Perhaps you have also had dreams in which you are driving a car or perhaps even a bus and things are not working out perfectly: either you get lost or people start distracting you or you are unable to find the right gear or some fog arises all of a sudden.

For me when I drive a car in a dream it sometimes can be interpreted as a beautiful symbol for my life. If I dream about not being able to find the place where I parked my car that can mean that I don't really know where I am with my life. When I drive a bus that is filled with too many screaming people it might mean that there is too much happening in my life. If I drive a car on a sunny day with a wonderful tune on the radio I tend to interpret it as a symbol for being in the right groove - my life is going great.

Last night I did not dream about driving a car or a bus, but another vehicle appeared on the scene: an airplane!

I was with a group of people in a rather crowded street. When I looked above me I saw a big airplane, a small edition of a boeing, performing all kinds of miraculous moves in the sky: with spirals and loopings, as if it was a small aircraft doing a show. The plane got closer and when it flew above the street I noticed a man on top the plane!

The strange thing was that this man was holding his hand inside of the roof of the plane and when I looked more closely I concluded that he was actually flying the plane with one hand through this roof. A true acrobat!

He made his rounds above the city and he returned from behind. I was impressed and before I knew it I, myself was the man lying on top of the plane, trying to fly the plane without making it crash on the people below. I was quite successful, but there was another awkward component showing up: the plane seemed to be losing air which made it deflate itself, like a balloon. When I accelerated the plane got inflated again, so I had to keep on flying fast. I made a few rounds in the air and I recognized a woman with glasses who looked a bit nurdy twice.

So, perhaps flying a plane would stand for doing something big. That sure is a stimulating thought. Imagine, me, doing something that would be useful for increasing humanity's average level of awareness.


Becoming Insane in a Dream

It doesn't happen too often, but this dream belongs to the category 'losing your mind in a dream'. Let's just hope this dream doesn't also fit in the category of 'prediction dreams'. I prefer to look at this dream from the perspective that I can prepare myself for the possibility and thus prevent it from happening. I was quite glad when I woke up: it just makes you realize what madness must feel like. Not a enviable position at all. The dream also a lucid episode in it.

I was on a driveway and I had to put my stuff and my tent somewhere in a forest. While doing some interview with a dutch actor Antonie Kamerling I noticed that the area was slowly getting flooded because of a severe high tide. I was hardly able to get to a dry place. It was also getting darker. Because of this darkness I wasn't able to find my tent and my belongings.

I did find myself in a camping spot, but ofcourse I couldn't find my belongings there because I had put them somewhere outside a camping. Then I saw a woman I know, Jasmine, and she looked old. I became lucid [=I realized I was dreaming] when I noticed that she said things that she would normally not say. This was too strange to be true. Being lucid I wondered what I would do: fly? or perhaps move my hand through someone? I decided to do something sexually, it didn't matter because it was just a dream and I didn't mind that there were other people around. While I was engaged in some sexual activity another woman looked at me with a dull expression on her face: I asked her if she would like to participate but she declined.

Eventually I came with enormous amounts of sperm which I tried to hold in my hands. My lucidity disappeared and I was frantically looking for a toilet where I could wash my hands and get rid of the semen. I found places which looked like toilets, but at a closer inspections were something different. I felt rather uneasy with these hands and I decided to walk outside and into some park.

I was able to clean my hands amids the leaves lying in the park. While sitting there on my knees I noticed some small man with a funny straight hairdo. After a while I realized it must have been some kind of alter-ego for me that as soon as I would accept it to be alter-ego it would follow me for the rest of my life.

I was slightly confused because of my position in the park so I accepted it and there it was following me around. The madness started to come when I noticed how fast this little man was able to move around me: I could hardly keep sight of him. And I felt so stupid that I had accepted him and now I would have to spend the rest of my life with this strange guy around me. It really felt scary and then I woke up.


Reasons behind this blog

Every since I was 15 years old I have had periods in which I jotted down my dream-experiences. There were several reasons why those periods never lasted longer than a few months. The most important reason was that I hardly read them afterwards. Why would I spend all that time writing down dream experiences when I would not do anything specific with it?

Another thing would be that it would simply cost too much time to write down all the dreams. Sometimes you would be writing more than half an hour a day and eventually it would infringe on my number of hours that I sleep.

Perhaps by writing out certain dreams on the internet I can remain more motivated to keep on paying attention to this fascinating aspect of life.

By dreamblogging I might also be able to make easier cross-references and I can develop some kind of dream database with the possibility of people responding from all over the world. In the past I would refrain from adding any ads to my blogs, but I have given in and I now think it is fair to think that perhaps my dreams might make some money. I just hope that these ads are not too intrusive to become annoying.

I love Jung and his attempts to reach into the unconscious realms: perhaps I can make a contribution into this field as well. Sometimes I get lucid during dreams, meaning that I am aware of being in a dream. This lucid mode can often provide great means of creativity.

It would be nice if this dream blog could develop into a nice vista into humanity's unconscious and perhaps this is too big a goal, it might shed some insight into one of humanity's exponents: me.