
Integrating Parallel Lives?

It sure is interesting to note that when I started with this new episode of writing down my dream explorations, old memories and new thoughts seem to arise in my mind. This journey into the dreamplanes might develop into the construction of a reality-perspective that is resonating at a higher frequency than my current reality-perspective is able to contain.

When I woke up around 5 o'clock in the morning after a dream  it was quite tempting to just turn around and continue sleeping, but I was determined to further develop this project, so I put on the light and started writing again. Even though I had promised myself to only use keywords, I noticed myself starting to write down long sentences as if I enjoyed being elaborate and detailed. This project might turn out to be a true bag-under-the-eyes-inducer. Let's see where this journey will bring me.

Today I remembered the concept of parallel lives (you can read more about this concept at Parallel Lives). In short this concept would imply that we would all live about 24 lives, in which only one would exist in the physical. Then we would live the other 23 lives in other non-physical planes of existence. The further you would progress in your process the more lives you would be able to integrate. There would be various ways to get into contact with these other planes of existences. Let's present ourselves with a nice quote:

It is a great lie that one does not experience all things in a single life, it is only that one cannot remember it all. However all is remembered while one sleeps, and it is during dreamtime that all humans experience their parallel lives. It is also a great truth that all judgment is self-judgment, for what one judges in another one also judges oneself in a like parallel life. (Earth Attains First Major Pole Shift)
I would advise you not to take this source on its word. What I have come to learn is that the concept can be useful as a single element which you might like to consider. Right now I am not inclined to believe that we would all be living so many parallel lives in the non-physical planes of existence. But it could be true. For now I am willing to play with the idea that different aspects of me can sometimes be expressed in my dreams.

I remembered the concept of parallel lives after I had another dream in which I was active in barracks/clinic surroundings functioning in groups. Now, I can tell you a lot about my life, but one of the main themes is that I enjoy having time with myself. I like to have some friends or maybe get married, but the time to spend with  my own world, my own thoughts is very precious to me. I have never been a team-player in my life.

So to see myself in a place where I sleep with all kinds of people, where I study with all kinds of people and even visit a sauna with a group of people is quite remarkable for me, to say the least.

In one of the dreams I even saw a soldier with whom I had served in the army about 20 years ago! He was going down an escalator and when I shouted his name (which I miraculously seemed to remember) he turned around and tried to move upwards while the escalator was moving down. He smiled in a friendly and calm way just like he did when we used to walk to the other side of the barracks in the morning to get breakfast. Most of the time we were the only ones going there because the rest of the group preferred to remain in bed for 30 minutes more.

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