
Desire to Meet Wise People

The last couple of months I have been quite busy with a very earthly topic dealing with the saving of many trees in a forest near my house. Although quite useful it has lowered my average vibration quite a few Hertz so to speak.

On top of that I have been around people who are presently in a rather wordly kind of mood as well. This has slowly caused an alarming sense of spiritual poverty and a lack of new inspiring thoughts.

I started to feel trapped in a relatively low vibration without any new spiritual challenges or the arising of new inspiring vistas. At first I tended to blame my girlfried for the lack of radiant creativity, but I am beginning to understand that I shouldn't really put the blame on her. It is mainly my responsibility to put my intentions on creativity and spiritual innovations.

I want to turn away from this situation of lack and move towards people and areas of thought that inspire and challenge my mind and heart. I intend to come into contact with people who inspire. I long to meet wise people.

I was putting these kinds of thoughts on my intentional pyre when I was heading towards my dreamconsciousness in bed. It is funny to notice that these desires seem to create dreams in which they already start to live out, as if I watch the slow materialisation of these intentions, moving through the planes of manifestation

Well, the dream was about being at a university again with mainly younger people. I was amongst people who were inquisitive. There was a rather crowded class room in which people had to sit rather close together but everybody thought this was fine because it increased the level of bound together with the same desire to learn.

I would love to be in a class with people with a teacher that really has spiritually evolved. One who is able to trigger new and enlightening thoughts. I have hardly known people who have this ability; most of the time I challenged the 'teachers' that I have come across.

Let's see if I can uphold the strength and perseveration to keep on sending the intentions to meet wise people into the atmosphere. Normally it would mean that these contacts would really start taking place. I want to be inspired again.