
Becoming Insane in a Dream

It doesn't happen too often, but this dream belongs to the category 'losing your mind in a dream'. Let's just hope this dream doesn't also fit in the category of 'prediction dreams'. I prefer to look at this dream from the perspective that I can prepare myself for the possibility and thus prevent it from happening. I was quite glad when I woke up: it just makes you realize what madness must feel like. Not a enviable position at all. The dream also a lucid episode in it.

I was on a driveway and I had to put my stuff and my tent somewhere in a forest. While doing some interview with a dutch actor Antonie Kamerling I noticed that the area was slowly getting flooded because of a severe high tide. I was hardly able to get to a dry place. It was also getting darker. Because of this darkness I wasn't able to find my tent and my belongings.

I did find myself in a camping spot, but ofcourse I couldn't find my belongings there because I had put them somewhere outside a camping. Then I saw a woman I know, Jasmine, and she looked old. I became lucid [=I realized I was dreaming] when I noticed that she said things that she would normally not say. This was too strange to be true. Being lucid I wondered what I would do: fly? or perhaps move my hand through someone? I decided to do something sexually, it didn't matter because it was just a dream and I didn't mind that there were other people around. While I was engaged in some sexual activity another woman looked at me with a dull expression on her face: I asked her if she would like to participate but she declined.

Eventually I came with enormous amounts of sperm which I tried to hold in my hands. My lucidity disappeared and I was frantically looking for a toilet where I could wash my hands and get rid of the semen. I found places which looked like toilets, but at a closer inspections were something different. I felt rather uneasy with these hands and I decided to walk outside and into some park.

I was able to clean my hands amids the leaves lying in the park. While sitting there on my knees I noticed some small man with a funny straight hairdo. After a while I realized it must have been some kind of alter-ego for me that as soon as I would accept it to be alter-ego it would follow me for the rest of my life.

I was slightly confused because of my position in the park so I accepted it and there it was following me around. The madness started to come when I noticed how fast this little man was able to move around me: I could hardly keep sight of him. And I felt so stupid that I had accepted him and now I would have to spend the rest of my life with this strange guy around me. It really felt scary and then I woke up.


  1. I just saw on TV that Federico Felini jotted down his dreams too. He thought it was very important to do this and to take your subconsciousness seriously. He also mentioned Jung.
    Thanx for sharing your dream, i will be folliwing you
    Greetz BJ

  2. Hi there MP. I took a look at Fellini's wikipediapage. Unfortunately I haven't seen any of his movies. Based on the info on that page it seems like his movies had a dreamlike nature as well!
