
Couples living in a Brothel

I saw a scene in a modern brothel. There was a long corridor with dozens of rooms. I believe that in many rooms not only women lived, but their partners as well. Perhaps this was a cheap way of living.

Occasionally a rich man would pop up and all the women would be forced to stand in the corridor next to the door opening. The man would walk between the women and he would choose one with whom he would have a sexual encounter in the room at the end of the corridor.

Well, the signal was given that it was time to get out of the rooms and into the corridor. However, in one of the rooms the man was making love to his girlfriend whom he loved dearly. They had to end their bodily contact and she had to stand in the line as well. The rich man who was given the privilege to pick a woman chose this girl.

He could see the man standing right next to her in the room and he politely asked the man if he was fine with the idea that he would pick his girlfriend. The boy knew how important it was and he kindly said, 'no, it's okay' and the man took his girlfriend away from the door.

There was a rather uncomfortable atmosphere as you can imagine and the boy was utterly confused.

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